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Suscon (冠坤)

Suscon (冠坤)

冠坤电子企业股份有限公司由总经理苏辉雄先生所创立,始自1978年,致力成为电解电容器的专业制造商,旗下的Su'scon品牌为苏总经理所发想,融合了苏总经理的姓氏与40余年来专业制造的电容器(condenser)之字首而成。 Su'scon代表着"总是走在竞争者前面" ,本着这份竞争精神,也让Su'scon不论是面对日本或世界其他国家的竞争对手,皆已在电解电容产业占有一席之地。 其中对品质与研发的承诺,更是如今Su'scon得以获得全球性商誉的基石。

从产品设计、原物料采购、生产、包装与出货,Su'scon拥有严格品质管理政策,结合高精准检验设备与训练有素的技术人员执行落实。 在国际品质认证标准上,Su'scon通过了所有ISO 9001与ISO 14001的认证标准,并在2006年申请QS 9000与ISO/TS 16949认证,已于2010年取得QC 080001、OHSAS 18001与IATF 16949认证。 在致力不懈的过程中,我们要求每一位同仁亲身遵循。 对于Su'scon而言,品质至上,所做的一切,唯一的目标便是追求品质。

苏总经理十分重视环境保护,全面实行有害物质使用限制(RoHS)政策,所有产品所使用的原物料,皆来自对环境无害的无铅、无毒、可分解与可回收的材质。 即便此类环保原物料在2005至2007年间已大幅涨价,Su'scon从未放宽标准,坚持拒用任何不符RoHS规范的原物料,此举亦让Su'scon在提升产品品质的同时,赢得了客户珍贵的的赞许与认同。 从2007年开始,Su'scon在原物料检测上,导入了SII SEA100A的X射线萤光测试分析,确保所有的最终消费者不会接触到任何的有害物质。 身为生产"绿能" 电解电容的制造商,Su'scon始终在环境保护上扮演着积极的角色。

Su'scon深信,不断的进步加上卓越的表现是获得品质的唯一道路,也才能确保给予客户的产品与服务皆符合最高标准。 Su'scon着眼于企业管理系统的设计,目的在于便于促进企业的持续性进步,累积全面性的效率提升,增加竞争力以符合客户的需要与期待。 此管理系统针对ISO 9001:2000与ISO 14001:2000的需求,根据坚实的管理原则进行设计,并将持续观察客户回馈意见及内部机构,衡量制程效率,以持续改善产品与服务。

作为全球进行环保活动的ㄧ员, Su'scon致力于减少环境有害物质,使用无铅原材料与不含PVC的装套材质,提供遵守RoHS规范之产品。

为严守RoHS规范, Su'scon产品不使用任何符合RoHS定义之有害物质:

<90 ppm Pb: Lead
<5 ppm Cr6+:Hexavalent chromium
<5ppm Hg: Mercury
<5 ppm Cd: Cadmium
<100ppm PBB: Polybrominated biphenyls
<100ppm PBDE: Polybrominated diphenylethers
No PVC: Polyvinyl chloride
PVC free capacitors

自2005年1月起, Su'scon产品已全面由原本的PVC(聚氯乙烯)材质改为PET(聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯)材质(由于牵涉需进行估算的尺寸限制,请与业务代表洽询大尺寸电容上的可行性)。


KUAN KUN ELECTRONIC ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. was founded by General Manager Mr. Su Hui-xiong and has specialized in the manufacture of electrolytic capacitors since 1978. The brand Su'scon is an inspired recombination of Mr. Su's surname with the ending letters of our three major Japanese competitors' brands; c – o - n. In this way, Su'scon has come to mean 'going beyond the competition.' And it is this competitive spirit that drives KUAN KUN to dominate the electrolytic capacitor industry, not just the competition in Japan, but throughout the world. This commitment to quality and R&D are the building blocks of Su'scon's globally renowned reputation we enjoy today.

From product design, material procurement and manufacturing to packaging and shipping, Su'scon has a very strict quality control policy. Our high precision inspection equipment and highly trained technicians implement this policy from beginning to end for every single product. In terms of quality, we meet all ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards, and in 2010 we acquired the certification of QC 080001, OHSAS 18001 and IATF 16949. In our endeavors to be constantly on the rise, we require each of our staff to follow in suit. Quality is of paramount importance, and it is what we are all about.

Mr. Su embraces environmentalism and fully complies with the policies of ROHS (Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances). All products are made with environmentally friendly materials which are lead-free, toxin-free, decomposable and/or recyclable. Despite the price increases of these materials in 2005-2007, KUAN KUN never relented in switching over to their use. Resulting has been a rise in quality of our products as well as heightened customer approval. Since 2007, we employ such testing as SII SEA100A X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis of all raw materials, ensuring that any hazardous substances never reach the end user. The brand Su'scon takes an active role in supplying "green" electrolytic capacitors.

Su'scon believes that quality is achieved through continuous improvement and performance excellence to ensure a high standard of products, services, processes, and technology offered to our customers. Su'scon has placed focus on the development of a business management system designed to facilitate continual improvement of the business, stimulating its overall efficiency in order to increase competitive advantages and respond better to customers' needs and expectations. This management system is based on solid management principles behind ISO 9001:2000 & ISO 14001:2000 requirements. We will continue to monitor feedback from our customers as well as internal mechanisms for measuring the effectiveness of our processes to continually improve the products and services provided.

Su'scon is reducing environmentally harmful substances in our capacitors to do our part in global environmental protection activities. Pb-free products, non-PVC encasing products and ROHS compliance materials are available.

Su'scon products do not use any of the materials specifically identified and restricted as hazardous materials to meet ROHS directives.

<90 ppm Pb: Lead
<5 ppm Cr6+:Hexavalent chromium
<5ppm Hg: Mercury
<5 ppm Cd: Cadmium
<100ppm PBB: Polybrominated biphenyls
<100ppm PBDE: Polybrominated diphenylethers
No PVC: Polyvinyl chloride
PVC free capacitors

Su'scon has used PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) sleeves instead of PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) sleeves since 2005 January. As there are size limitations for this counter measure, please consult our sales representatives for their availability in big size capacitors.

Su'scon follows up these conditions as rules and standards to use the right materials to produce capacitors that will maintain the earth’s environment in perpetuity.

Su'scon introduced the X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis that comprehensively examines raw materials to meet ROHS directives.

显示全部Datasheet产品规格书    官网:www.su-scon.com.tw












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